With COVID-19 situation in 2020, many official competitions have been postponed or cancelled. Simultaneously, a lot of “virtual” races and challenges have been created. Namely, independently from the location, many runners can challenge each other on specific routes or in specific conditions, depending on the rules set up by the organizers of this virtual competition.
Independently from the final results, I find that this is a good idea to keep the connections among friends and runners who cannot share the time together on the same tracks and before/after a real competition and event.
Therefore, time to time, I will join some of these virtual races and challenges.
In the following I spend few words about the “No Limits Virtual Trail & Running challenge”, created and organized by my good friend (and great ultrarunner) Enzo Benvenuto.
Challenge Description
The main rules are easy to follow:
- The challenge starts on May 10th and finishes on June 28th, for a total of eight races;
- The event is completely free of charge but it is also possible to make a donation to support the emergency generated by the coronavirus (all details are explained at the Facebook page: No Limits – Trail & Running Academy;
- Run every Sunday between 00:00 and 20:00 for maximum 2 hours;
- Record your training with an app or with a GPS, and share the details on the specific forms that is received at your personal e-mail;
- Publish a photo on your personal social media account (Facebook, Instagram, else) with the assigned number at the registration and apply the tags as described by the organizer of the event;
- Calculation of the points are explained as follow: 1 point for every km; 1 point for every 100 meter gained (D+); 1 point for every 300 meter loss (D-);
Other information is provided weekly by the organizer: via e-mail, at the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/nolimits.team.academy/) or at the official website of the organizer (https://trailrunning7.wixsite.com/enzobenvenuto).
Below I report all my training sessions and the possibility to download gpx, in case runners in Germany would like to repeat one of them.
Other info about Trail & Running at this page: Trail & Running | EmigranTrailer
Run & fun
Andrea De Filippo
Stage 8 – Trail Running in Neuschweinstein
Stage 7 – Trail Running in Wiesbaden – Nerowald-Platte
Stage 6 – Running in Wiesbaden – Schlaeferskopf
Stage 5 – Running in Wiesbaden
Stage 4 – Running in Wiesbaden
Stage 3 – Running in Rüdesheim am Rhein
Stage 2 – Trail Running in Wiesbaden
Stage 1 – Trail Running in Wiesbaden