Training tips: ten weeks for UTMB-CCC (101 km/6100d+)

Training tips: ten weeks for UTMB-CCC (101 km/6100d+)

ITA – Courmayeur (AO). Start of UTMB-CCC, August 2018.

The week of the UTMB is the most important event of the year for the majority of the trailers (UTMB® ( In 2015, I had the chance to attend and finish the TDS (Sur les Traces des Ducs de Savoie) ( and I tried in the following two years to attend the CCC (Courmayeur-Champex-Chamonix). I was not lucky with the draw and I needed to wait the sommer 2018 to have my starting number at the CCC. Due to my new location in Germany, where it is difficult to find footpaths that look like those in the Alps, I decided to prepare the CCC using new “escamotages” with specific ups & downs sessions ( and most of my summer vacation to go back “home”, in the mountains of Valley d’Aosta.

The Training

Here it is a generic overview of my trainings in the last ten weeks before the CCC.

Week #1: 24.06-30.06 (93 km & 4100 d+)

Beginning of the week characterized by several up & down in Altkönig (35 km with 2700d+) in order to practice with sticks, to train the head and the legs to continuous uphill & downhill. Second part of the week with three runs of about 15 km in the vineyards and in Nerowald.

Week #2: 01.07-07.07 (32 km & 1200 d+)

A sort of resting week with few kilometers in Taunus and a complete resting weekend in Maiorca.

Week #3: 08.07-14.07 (103 km & 4800 d+)

Most of the week characterized by short runs in view of the Grand Trail de Courmayeur (58 km with 4200 d+), attended on Saturday and finished in about 8h53′ with the first touch of altitudes above 2000 m since long time.

Week #4: 15.07-21.07 (66 km & 6800 d+)

Week in Italy dedicated to long hiking & trail running moments in the mountains, shared with Ilka & Andre. A good basis for the next month.

Week #5: 22.07-28.07 (100 km & 2400 d+)

Week characterized by two long runs (about 30 km & 1000 d+ each) at beginning (Sunday) in Valle d’Aosta and end (Saturday) along the Rheinsteig in Germany. In between two runs at good pace and short rides with mountain bike.

Week #6: 29.07-04.08 (61 km & 3200 d+)

Easy first part of the week with three short runs (about 10 km each). Second part of the week mainly characterized by the very strong & technique sky race in Ällgau on Saturday (31 km with 2800 d+). In between about 100km with the mountain bike.

Week #7: 05.08-11.08 (39 km & 785 d+)

Only three runs. Still recovering from the sky race in Ällgau. 150 km with the mountain bike.

Week #8: 12.08-18.08 (58 km & 2050 d+)

Specific up & down training on Sunday (20 km with 1400 d+). Following days dedicated to short runs with easy pace.

Week #9: 19.08-25.08 (100 km & 7900 d+)

Arrival in Italy and full week dedicated to spend time in the Alps between 2000 and 4000m, training a lot with sticks. Overall six trainings in Valle d’Aosta including the climbing of the Breithorn (4165 m).

Week #10: 26.08-30.08 (28 km & 1300 d+)

Last long training on Sunday and then resting days with two short hiking and two rides with the Mountain Bike.

Additional Information

The race went very well. I finished it 17h43’49” in 275 overall position over more than 1600 starters and I had still a lot of energies in the days after the race.

UTMB-CCC 2018_Finisher Diplome

For the specific up & down training sessions in Germany, please look at the following link:

If you want more information or technical details related to each specific training session, please do not hesitate to contact me or comment below.

Andrea De Filippo

Post update:27.08.2020

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