The most recent report (report 128, May 27th) published by the World Health Organization indicates that almost 5,5 Millions of people have been globally confirmed as COVID-19 cases (
Similar to my previous update (, the following eight charts display the evolution of COVID-19 cases and deaths for several worldwide nations. In general, the average daily values refer to those calculated in the last two weeks, unless differently specified.
FIGURE 1 (Worldwide: cases > 500.000)

The United States remains the only country in this chart with more than 1,6 Million of cases. In the last two weeks the average daily cases remained very high (≈23.000 cases/day).
FIGURE 2 (Worldwide: 100.000 < cases < 500.000)

With an average of about 15.000 cases/day in the last two weeks, Brazil overpassed the Russian Federation, that slightly reduced the average daily cases (≈ 9.000 cases/day).
The United Kingdom still shows a significant daily increase (≈ 2.800 cases/day) and now it is stable behind the previous three mentioned nations.
Spain and Italy continued to improve the daily increase, respectively down to 610 cases/day and 670 cases/day. Their curves seem to be in the right direction to flatten. Similar situation for Germany with about 570 cases/day in the last two weeks.
Turkey has also improved with about 1.230 cases/day compared to 2.000 cases/day in the previous last weeks of April. Much better is the situation in France, where about 320 cases/day were documented in the last two weeks.
After a stable situation, the Republic of Iran worsen again for the number of cases, with an increase from ≈ 1.500 cases/day to ≈ 2000 cases/day. India and Peru continued the significant increase in the last two weeks, respectively with about 5.500 and 4000 cases/day.
FIGURE 3 (Worldwide: 20.000 < cases < 100.000)

As expected, Canada passed China for total number of cases. Other American countries like Chile and Mexico had a significant increase, caused by an average daily situation of about 3.300 cases/day and 2.500 cases/day.
In the last two weeks, Pakistan (1800 cases/day) passed both Belgium (260 cases/day) and the Netherlands (190 cases/day). Similar trends (about 500 cases/day) were registered in Ecuador, Sweden and Singapore.
Compared to two weeks ago, Portugal showed a stable situation with about 220 cases/day, while it is huge the improvement in Switzerland, nowadays with less than 30 cases/day.
South Afrika (≈ 900 cases/day) and Indonesia (≈ 600 cases/day) worsened the situation, with doubled daily values compared to two weeks ago.
FIGURE 4 (Worldwide: cases < 20.000)

The chart clearly shows two categories: the countries which have still a constant increase and the countries which had almost flattened the curve (or limited the daily increase).
The first category consists of: Egypt (≈ 620 cases/day), Argentina (≈430 cases/day), Nigeria (≈250 cases/day), Philippines (≈240 cases/day), Algeria (≈190 cases/day).
The second category consists of Morocco (≈80 cases/day), Malaysia (≈ 60 cases/day), Japan (≈ 45 cases/day), Austria (≈ 40 cases/day), South Korea (≈ 22 cases/day), Norway (≈16 cases/day), Australia (≈12 cases/day), and Thailand (≈3 cases/day).
FIGURE 5 (Worldwide: 10.000 < deaths < 100.000)

Compared to two weeks ago, the situation is unchanged in terms of most critical nations.
The United States of America (USA) almost reached 100.000 deaths, still with a high daily sad number of deaths (> 1200 deaths/day). The daily situation is not good also in Brazil, which has a very negative trend (≈850 deaths/day).
For the European nations, the United Kingdom (UK) still leads this sad ranking but improvements are visible (about 300 deaths/day). Much better is the situation is Italy and Spain: both decreased down to 150 deaths/day. Even better is the scenario in France, that lowered down to ≈110 deaths/day.
FIGURE 6 (Worldwide: 2.000 < deaths < 10.000)

In this group, the worst situation is represented by the Mexico (290 deaths/day), India (140 deaths/day), the Russian Federation (125 deaths/day), Peru (120 deaths/day), Canada (110 deaths/day). Slightly better is the average daily situation for Ecuador (60 deaths/day), Sweden (58 deaths/day) and the Republic of Iran (55 deaths/day)
Instead during the last two weeks, the situation continued to improve in Belgium (40 deaths/day), Germany (50 deaths/day), Turkey (35 deaths/day) and Netherlands (26 deaths/day). China had only 1 death in the last two weeks.
FIGURE 7 (Worldwide: 500 < deaths < 2.000)

The situation is good and stable in Switzerland (≈6 deaths/day), Austria (<5 deaths/day), Philippines (≈10 deaths/day), Japan (14 deaths/day), (Portugal (≈13 deaths/day) and Algeria (≈7 deaths/day)
Indonesia (≈30 deaths/day) has worsened the previous scenario, reaching daily situation similar to Pakistan (35 deaths/day) and Chile (34 deaths/day). South Afrika (22 deaths/day) and Egypt (≈18 deaths/day) has also slightly worsened its status compared to last weeks in April.
FIGURE 8 (Worldwide: deaths < 500)

The chart is self-explaining.
There are two nations that show a constant increase of deaths: Argentina (11 deaths/day) and Nigeria (7 deaths/day).
All the other nations (South Korea, Norway, Morocco, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand and Singapore) seem to have reached the desired situation to contain the lethality of this virus.
- Globally, the number of cases almost exceeded 5,5 Million and the number of deaths is almost 350 thousand;
- The situation in the USA remains very critical. Simultaneously, several other American countries are not in a good scenario, especially Brazil, Peru, Chile and Mexico. There are also increasing cases in Argentina, but still at low daily values;
- Bad signals arrive from some Asian countries, like India, Pakistan, Indonesia and the Republic of Iran. In particular, the latter is an important case to be monitored, since it seems to experience a second wave after a period of stability and reduction;
- The situation in Europe is basically stable, with constant improvements in all countries. Only the Russian Federation has a different trend;
- In Afrika, both South Afrika and Egypt are in critical situation, especially for the number of cases.
Next update in a couple of weeks.
Andrea De Filippo
Please find below the link to each Figure presented in post: