Aoife Quigly, an Englishwoman in Germany

Aoife Quigly, an Englishwoman in Germany

Aoife Quigly (Photo by P. Reiter)

Although we are both emigrantrailers (emigrants and trail-runners) who live just over an hour from each other, Aoife and I have not yet met in person.

We both travel often (of course mainly for trail-running races) and so far our paths have not yet crossed.

We will see if there will be an opportunity in the coming months.

In the meantime, I contacted her because one day a friend of mine said to me: “Hey, look, there’s a very strong girl who does trail-running, she lives here in Germany, but she’s English, or Welsh. I don’t remember well. Anyway, it would be ideal for your idea on Emigrantrailers “.

So, I informed myself, I started following her on social networks and competitions. And finally, I confirmed my friend’s suggestion (thanks Andre!): Aoife definitely falls into this category of Emigrantrailers.

She is not only an emigrant (English with Irish origins living in Germany), and she is not just a Trail-Runner (definitely top!)

But she also conveys enthusiasm and passion for this sport and for an outdoor life. In short, without too many barriers.

All elements that qualify her by right in this category created by me: Emigrantrailers around the world | EmigranTrailer.

So, finally between races and travels of both, we managed to combine for a pleasant video-call Hesse <-> Baden-Württemberg, giving me the opportunity to meet Aoife and to ask her my five questions using the letters of the word TRAIL.

T like Taunus

“Probably many people do not know what the Taunus is, and where it is located (Taunus – Wikipedia). For others, living in Hesse, Germany, instead it is a good opportunity to practise trail-running. Last year you took part at the virtual event sponsored by Salomon, running the “Golden Segment”, about 33 km with 1500 positive elevation gain (Golden Segment Germany ( And you did a super time. What do you remember about the track there and this virtual event? How much do you know the Taunus?

Well, I have to be honest: I do not know the Taunus area very well even if it’s not far from my home (near Heidelberg). Usually from home I prefer to head twoards the mountains to the south. In any case, when I ran the “Golden Segment”, I really enjoyed it. And I also ran it twice, improving a lot diuring the second time because I already knew the trails. Maybe I’ll organize myself to better explore the Taunus.

As for the virtual races, I must say that they were certainly a stimulus in a period when there were no competitions. In general, the pandemic has given me the opportunity to discover new places and trails in Germany, not being able to move abroad. But I am a person who loves spots competition. And so I missed a lot not being able to compare myself with other athletes“.

R like Restart and Ready

“The general improved situation about Covid-19 pandemic allowed to restart many events, including Trail-Running competitions. Few months ago you took part at the Golden Trail Series in Olla de Nuría in Spain Home | Golden Trail Series. In the next days, you will take part to the next stage in Germany. Can you explain the feelings to wear again a race number, to sweat, to suffer, to smile, compete and finish an international race? Are you ready for your next race?”

The experience in Spain was simply amazing. I was able to go back to racing in an international environment with very strong women who gives me a continuous stimulus to improve myself. There are really strong athletes: I admire many of them. And I can’t wait to meet them next weekend in Chiemgau.

Am I ready? It will be my longest race this year (43 km, ca. 2700 D+). So I don’t know if I’m ready. I just hope my body and my head get along. And therefore to be able to give everything possible. And then I hope to recover well because I have other races in the following weekends“.

A like Aoife

“Where does this name come from? Does it mean anything? And who is Aoife in few words?” (she taught me to pronounce her name correctly 🙂 )

“Well, Aoife is a irish name. I am English, but my family, my father, are Irish. I’m not sure it has any meaning. Probably it means BRAVE.

Who am I in few words? I think I’m quite joyful person. I enjoy playing sports and training my dogs. At the same time, I can be also stressfull, especially with myself because, in everything I do, I always try to achieve excellence. For example, in competitions, I am happy and satisfied when I know I have given everything”.

I like Imagination

“Can you imagine three races that you have not run yet and that you would absolutely want to run. And why? Can you imagine one in Germany, one in England and one somewhere else?

“This is a tough question. So on the fly I can’t tell you. Let’s see….Surely one day I would like to do one of the races with start or finish in Chamonix, in France. Then I would definitely do it again the Ring of Steall in Scotland (Ring of Steall Skyrace – Salomon Skyline Scotland). Moreover, I’d like to do some races in the Swiss Alps, like the Eiger Trail (Herzlich willkommen am Fusse der Eiger Nordwand – Eiger Ultra Trail Grindelwald).

Races in Germany? I have done the GELITA marathon in Heidelberg several times (GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg – GELITA Trail Marathon Heidelberg ( and if I qualify for the Golden Trail Series finals, I will do a part (42 km) of the historic Rennsteiglauf, in Thuringia (GutsMuths-Rennsteiglauf am 2. & 3.10.2021 – Europas größter Crosslauf).

For races or courses in England, I would definitely run the Coast Trail in the South West (Home – South West Coast Path)”.

L like Longer

The concept of “longer distances” is very relative. For some people 20 km is a long distance, for others 80 km is a short distance. Said that, I might be wrong, but, as far as I know, you have not yet experienced races above 100 km (at least in official competition). In which of the two category of people would you place yourself ?

“I’m in the middle of these two categories of people! 🙂 A few years ago I did the 85 km in Madeira (News – LCOnline ( But due to an injury I didn’t have a good experience with the ultra trail. I am not ruling out doing it again.

But I want to underline one thing. Many people nowadays think that to be defined as a “real” trail running you have to run ultra (and longer and longer).I do not agree. Distance is not what defines trail running. There is the terrain, the environment, the elevation gain and loss, the duration of the race, the running and the hiking. So, for me, it’s not necessarily a must to do long races

I agree with you Aoife and you still have several years to consider running an ultra a year from time to time. You just have to wait until you have gray hair like me. 🙂

In the meantime, thank you very much for your availability and good luck (Ich drücke die Daumen für dich) for the next races!

Additional information about Aoife

In case you would like to contact Aoife for more detailed information about her being an “emigrantrailer” in Germany, it is useful to know that:

  • Age: 30 years (1991)
  • Country of origin: England (Dartmoor, Devon)
  • Country of current residence: Germany (Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg)
  • ITRA: – ITRAWeb
  • Instagram: @aoife_quigly
  • Website: Aoife QUIGLY (
  • Spoken languages: English, German, French

Enjoy Trail-Running!

Andrea De Filippo

Original post in english language. For other languages, please open with a web browser (i.e. Chrome) and apply the automatic translation.

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