This page contains just few words about me.
My name is Andrea De Filippo.

I am Italian and I have a great passion for the sport in general. I like spending my time outdoors, whether by bike, running or simply walking/hiking. I love exploring new places and I struggle to spend the whole weekend at home.
Since 2017 I live in Germany, in the region of Hesse (Hesse – Wikipedia).

However, my “home” is still in the Alps of the Valle d´Aosta, in the north-west part of Italy.

You can find more information about me and my passions visting the following pages:
- The name: EmigranTrailer The origin of the name “Emigrantrailer”| EmigranTrailer
- My Passions My Passions – Emigrantrailer | EmigranTrailer
- My Website My Website – Emigrantrailer | EmigranTrailer
- My Trail-Running Experience My Trail Running Experience | EmigranTrailer
- Trail & Running Trail & Running | EmigranTrailer
- Beyond the sports events Beyond the sports events | EmigranTrailer
- Events All Events | EmigranTrailer
If you have any comments or requests, please do not hesitate to contact me or comment below.
Looking forward to hear you!
Andrea De Filippo
Last update: 28.04.2022